Outlines provide visual cues about the focus or active states of elements.
The NewsKit design system provides a consistent default outline on elements using the following properties.
Outline Colour
Applying an Outline Colour to an element defines the colour of the element's outline. Outline colour utilises Interface and Interactive colour tokens.
Code example
1outlineColor: '{{outlines.outlineColorDefault}}'
Outline Style
Applying an Outline Style to an element defines the style of the element’s outline. Outline Style utilises the standard CSS outline Style values.
Outline Style | Token | Token value |
Code example
1outlineStyle: '{{outlines.outlineStyleDefault}}'
Safari's implementation of outline CSS is significantly different to other main browsers. The solid style will not have rounded corners, and using auto will not allow control over its colour. See Safari Outline Style.
Outline Width
Applying an Outline Width to an element defines the width of the element’s outline. NewsKit uses a simple set of design token to ensure consistency throughout the UI.
Outline Width | Token | Token value |
Code example
1outlineWidth: '{{outlines.outlineWidthDefault}}'
Outline Offset
Applying an Outline Offset to an element defines the offset of the element’s outline. NewsKit uses a simple set of design tokens to ensure consistency throughout the UI.
Outline Offset | Token | Token value |
Code example
1outlineOffset: '{{outlines.outlineOffsetDefault}}'
If you wish to move away from the default provided, we recommend using border tokens
Safari's implementation of outline CSS is significantly different to other main browsers. You may find your offset is not the same on Safari. See Safari Outline Style.
Safari Outline Style
Add a different Outline Style for Safari
Safari Outline Style | Token | Token value |
Code example
1safariOutlineStyle: '{{outlines.safariOutlineStyleDefault}}'
Safari Outline Offset
Add a different Outline Offset for Safari
Safari Outline Offset | Token | Token value |
Code example
1safariOutlineOffset: '-7px'